The Maine Group

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Happy New Year - Lockdown 3.0!

Posted on 8th January 2021
Happy New Year! It was only a couple of days ago when ‘Yeyyy 2021’’ we said, a new start we said, no looking back we said!
Well, 10 months on, it could feel like we are back at square one, but this time it is different. As frustrating and worrying as this time is, let’s not forget that we have muscle memory of what we're going through right now. We've come this far, the light is at the end of the tunnel, so lets be smart about how you manage your world in this final stage. You will get through it and we're here to help and support you with that.
Straight away - I see these as the top 3 things you need to be thinking about:
  1. The mental wellbeing of your team – it’s an anxious and uncertain time for everybody, it’s proven that mental health and productivity are linked, so make sure you look after your team as a priority and they’ve got the work life balance right. We have a number of workshops to help with this and will be running future webinars too.
  2. Remote management and working – with remote working now set for the future, it’s so important we equip our managers and train our team to work effectively in a remote environment. We are offering a series of 1 hour bitesize training courses on remote working to support and guide your team through this time. 
  3. Have a clear strategy – we’ve been here before and we’ve survived, thanks to our strategy! So ensure your key objectives are in place and there is clarity and focus around who is working towards what. We have helped many of our clients get their strategy in place for the new year, or have training videos available on this to guide and advise.
Remember, furlough still exists too and can be used for all employees, so this is still an option for you if you need it. Or, you may have to think about restructuring your business. We’re advising our network all the time on how to align the business needs with the skills accessible and how to upskill where needed.
If you are hiring, make sure your strategy is in place. You need clarity on who you’re hiring, why you’re hiring and why you are the employer of choice. Talent is so key during this time! If you have no budget for recruiters, we've got the masterclass to help you in all aspects of the recruitment process!
We made lots of important investments in 2020 to support our clients. We’ve invested more than ever in our training so you can train and upskill your people. We’ve invested in an online recruitment interactive platform which makes recruiting remotely a very smooth process and really brings to life the potential talent for your world. We also invested in a brand new database to enable us to access talent faster for our clients.
Our webinars will also continue from next week, if there is anything in particular you’d like to hear about or like support with, please let me know here. 
As always, we are here to support you through this time, so if there is anything you'd like to bounce off me, or to simply chat through, please reach out at anytime!