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What not to do in a call centre job

Posted on 10th November 2015

We often talk about skills that are essential and desirable in certain jobs but it's easy to overlook some of the mistakes that might still creep through, even if you're doing a lot of things right! So we, at Maine Sales, thought it would be a good idea to look at some of the things you need to avoid if you're working in a call centre and want to get the best results each time.

Not sounding enthusiastic
We convey a multitude of non-verbal signals through our body language, so people can tell instantly if we're warm and friendly or distant and aloof just by how we carry ourselves. But this isn't possible over the phone, so it's vital you make sure you use your voice to convey a positive impression to customers that they will trust and value.
Wasting time
Customers aren't ringing up for a chat. They're calling for a specific reason and they want to see it dealt with in the shortest possible time. So don't do anything that makes a call last longer than it should. This could range from leaving annoyingly long pauses between sentences to something more serious like not having important documents available.

Using too much jargon
It's worth remembering that your customers won't be people who work in your industry, so don't use terms that only you and your colleagues are ever likely to use or understand. You need to talk the customer's language if you are to provide a genuinely effective service to them and make them feel they've had a good experience with you.

Not adhering to data protection laws
Call centre handlers routinely deal with sensitive information, such as bank account numbers, sort codes, addresses and dates of birth. They are therefore legally obliged to handle this data in a way that adheres to the Data Protection Act. If you make mistakes when you're dealing with sensitive information, both you and your employer will be liable and it could seriously harm your future career prospects.

Take what customers say seriously
If someone rings up asking questions or making a complaint, you have to treat them with the respect they deserve. If you're not taking what they say seriously, it reflects badly both on you and the company you work for.

Even though you aren't meeting clients and customers face-to-face, you are still a hugely important point of contact for any third party outside your organisation.

Your priority must be to establish a good rapport with the person on the other end of the phone - and keep listening and talking while carrying out tasks such as typing.

If you can do this and show the customer you're able to deal with their query or issue, you'll function more effectively and leave them feeling satisfied with a job well done when they hang up.

Some of the above points might look trivial when they're written down, but if you put yourself in the customer's shoes and think about how much they'd irritate you and ruin your experience, you'll soon realise how important they are!

We have a variety of customer service/call centre roles available at Maine Sales, so get in touch today if you are looking for a new role, or know somebody who is! We would love to hear from you!